Saturday, March 8, 2014

The decision

Of course, this book isn't popular (at least in the eyes of our class) but Lanier does raise one point that is certainly worth noting, even if you don't like most of his ideas. Its in the very beginning of the book too: the reason why the internet is starting to control our lives is due to our indecision to choose between the real or ideal computer. As a result, we become locked-in, a term Lanier uses to describe how indecisive we are when it come to programming. New, ideal programs try to fit into the old real ones, trapping us in a sort of cyber jail. Now, of course some of the ideas in this book rub people the wrong way, but consider the aforementioned information. As there been any real strides in online progress. Sure a cool new social media website comes along every now and again, but one starts to feel like the internet is only limited to ads and whatever other time wasters. Everyone is too afraid to try and revolutionize old ways of programming, so they hesitate to make new things. Its quite a shame in in an era of technological flourish.

1 comment:

  1. You bring up Lanier's notion of lock-in, but then you also channel his overall sense of the Internet as mostly a time waster.. or at least web 2.0 and social networking sites. I think he would be nodding at your point here: for all the initial promise of the Internet, is this all there is??
