Describing these truths as simply "harsh" just doesn't cut it. The tone of this article is pretty mean spirited, condescending at times, and overall pretty offensive to everyday reader who more than likely does not have their whole life in order. But its over the top preaching is supposed to function as a very important tool for us: it tries to incite us to push towards success by shoving harsh realities down our throats. And much of the article does carry weight. Most of the article is concerned with the fact that the world that we live on requires action. Not only that, but action that actually does a service for people. by extension, it bashes the most notions on what a "good" person is. Bottom line-- If you aren't striving to hone your skills and contribute, your life is a waste. Of course, while this piece can be quite coarse, at its base it echoes the key concern voiced by people's morality within Habits of the Heart. No matter what one's ideology was, at its core, it was all a means to better the self. Although this article is an extreme example, it voices concerns that pertain to most of America's ideas of success.
interesting format for an article with the generic pictures and then the frequent movie clips posted to illustrate the point in case someone hasn't seen the movie being referenced. The point in there that got me was the one about hippies being wrong. I took this broadly as a spoof on the values of expressive individualism, which believes that the self can be improved. I don't see in your post enough critical edge in looking at the article.