Saturday, February 1, 2014

The People of Newgrounds

The Newgrounds home page
The internet has always been a place for games and animation, but Newgrounds can be credited as a place where the fun parts of the web come to thrive. Since 1999, Newgrounds has accept all ranges of user-submitted flash animations and games. And it didn't just stop there either, now the site accepts still art, as well as music submissions, broadening the diversity of the site's content and appeal. Users are also heavily encouraged to use the forums provided to connect with people, and discuss content. Mainly, the site garners a huge following from stereotypical nerd group; gamers, geeks and anime fans. As result, much of the site's content caters to that type of audience. However, the site prides itself on being a place for people to connect via its niche of user submitted content, comparable to YouTube or Wikipedia. And it does a great job. This website, although lacking in the level of recognition youtube or Facebook gets, is a true community.

The website gets to have this title, mainly because users can post just about anything. Additonally, feedback and discussion is encouraged about posts, allowing viewers a voice in the popularity and opinion about a post. Both of these features of the site help Newgrounds fully live up to its name. Of course, it is dominated by a certain type of person as mentioned before, but that has not stopped people form taking on other ventures on the site that have nothing to do with "nerdiness". After all, the site slogan is "Everything, by Everyone," and refuses to shun its users.

1 comment:

  1. I like that you are defending the site as a community. I will look for you to define what you mean by that, and I look forward to your argument. I don't know this site so I am particularly interested in learning about how the site brings content to the eyes of members. Is favorite material pushed to the front? Does the user only see material tagged with something of interest? Does it borrow some of the category/favorite approach of YouTube? It strikes me that there are different YouTube-like sites for all different types of visual production, from clips to slides to images to animated clips.
